An Update on Democracy 2023

As we near our next Presidential election the efforts we make now to ensure a fair and robust democratic process is critical. As someone who cares deeply about protecting the integrity of the election process and ensuring a thriving democracy in the United States, I am excited to share with you an update on some of the organizations that we have chosen to support.

First, Protect Democracy is an organization that is dedicated to protecting the democratic process from threats both foreign and domestic. They work tirelessly to ensure that every vote counts and that our elections remain free and fair. By supporting Protect Democracy, we can help ensure that our democratic process remains strong and that the voices of all Americans are heard. Ian Bassin and team there have been remarkably effective on reducing legislative efforts to reduce voter participation and engagement and ensure a safe election.

Voting Rights Lab is another important organization that we are supporting. Their State Voting Rights Tracker is an effective and important tool to track legislation nationally and sharing and using that information they work diligently to protect and expand voting rights across the country, advocating for fair and equitable access to the ballot box for all Americans. By supporting Megan Lewis and team, we can help ensure that every citizen has the opportunity to participate in our democracy and have their voices heard. is another organization that we are proud to support with incredible reach and impact. They are committed to increasing voter participation through effective use of technology through their voter registration site making sure that everyone has the tools they need to cast their vote. From helping people register to vote to providing information about polling locations and voting rights, is making it easier than ever for Americans to exercise their right to vote.

Rebuild Congress Initiative (RCI) is an exciting new addition to this portfolio. Grounded in the tenets of the Harvard Negotiation Project, and led by an this team is working with representatives across Congress - from the left wings of the Democrats to the right wings of the Republicans - to find common ground and enact reforms so that it can continue to serve the American people.

Finally, VotingWorks. When identifying the organizations we want to support in each of our portfolios, we try to support an array of solutions and leaders with relevant experience, each tackling a different part of the problem. That’s what drew us to VotingWorks. They are working to bring transparency to the very systems every American engages with in order to cast their ballot: the voting machines themselves, and the audits that protect those votes. Ben Adida, the founder is uniquely qualified having received his PhD from MIT's Cryptography and Information Security group, where he focused specifically on election security. Ben has led product & engineering teams for over 20 years and is passionate about making a difference for American democracy. 

In addition to protecting the integrity of the current system, we are committed to supporting organizations trying to improve and innovate, and in that vein we are also proud to support Rank the Vote and FairVote. These organizations are dedicated to innovating on the election process, with the goal of enhancing representation and minimizing polarization in our political system. By promoting ranked-choice voting, open primaries and other innovative methods, we can ensure that every voice is heard and that our elected officials represent a diverse cross-section of our communities.

At the end of the day, it is up to all of us to protect the integrity of our democratic process and ensure that every voice is heard. By supporting these incredible organizations we can work together to build a stronger, more representative democracy for all Americans.


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